In this age of Integration, Development
and Globalization, the intersection of Western and Oriental cultures has generated a great
number of artistic trends. Artists are constantly looking for
new forms to convey their ideas and
concepts. As a result, market economy has affected present - day artistic life. Yet Thế Duy does not let
himself carried away by novel tendencies in art. He remains taciturnly faithful to the realist
style inherited from European classical art. And his paintings evidently express the spirit,
feelings and aesthetic conceptions of the Vietnamese and Asians. In other words, Thế Duy has created
a new form of expression. By means of a very original style, he goes deeper into the social, human
and spatial themes of ancient Hanoi more than a century ago. His works revive in our mind
the image of an old Hanoi which was industrious, serene and peaceful. There was neither rush nor
animation as in Western industrial cities. That was Vietnam’s capital at the turn of the 20th
century. Hanoi in those days with its “36 artisan guilds and old
streets” is portrayed with its natural environment in perfect harmony
and close relationship with its old quarters and streets on their way of
urbanization. A semi - colonial and semi - feudal society. Western
culture then was in the course of penetration and intersection with
Vietnam’s native civilization. But, from those pictures, what remains in
the viewer’s artistic mind is the beauty of traditional art and the
nation’s marked cultural identity.
we can see legendary communal houses, Taoist and Buddhist temples with
their Vietnamese and Oriental architectures, long
processions in old streets with people bearing the standard of the Viets’ religious rites and
beliefs, wooden gilded palanquins wooden elephants, horses and ancient weapons Bát Bửu, the 8
ancient weapons), five element flags, a traditional musical company... All this is portrayed in
gorgeous, splendid, full - of - vitality colours to express the solemn, majestic atmosphere of
festivities with surrounding flat and grandiose sounds hosted by the
local, farming population.
narrow, old streets spring up rows of small houses with spotted
whitewashed walls, mossy roofs, tiny window frames and tunnel shaped
stalls. Street traffic is portrayed as a chaotic combination of all kinds of transportation
of handicraft and indigenous character: handcarts with wooden wheels, palanquins, rickshaws,
pedicabs. Threading their way through this stream are pedestrians carrying umbrellas and wearing
Gia Định shoes or walking barefooted, leaving their heads uncovered or protected by ox-head
turbans or crow - beak scarfs... Truly a lively picture of a street in which there was no traffic
regulations since the country was on the road of renovation.
beauty of a work of art should not be assessed on the basis of some
peculiar or far fetched language since the latter is nothing but an
artist’s means of expression. Viewed from whatever angle and level, its
value must be measured in terms of sincerity which stems from the
throbbing of an artist’s emotive heart that is burning with zeal before
the beautiful and all this will eventually echo in the painter’s mind.
Thế Duy has embarked on a material world full of inner feelings: that of ancient Hanoi with the 36 artisan guilds and
old streets much beloved to him. And he has successfully revealed the beauty of Hanoi
through his well- balanced and heartfelt artistic style. Hence it might be said that his works
meritoriously represent the spiritual son of art. And this is precisely the real size of the portrait
delineated by the artist himself as a confession in his artworks.
Trần Thức
Art Researcher and Art Critic |